SymRDP Remote De
sktop Protocol is a technology that allows you to use your S60 phone and connect to a remote computer in a different location. For example, you can connect to your work computer from your S60 phone and have access to all of your programs, files, and network resources as though you were in front of your computer at work. You can leave programs running at work and then, when you get home, you can see your work computer’s desktop displayed on your S60 phone, with the same programs running.
Costa 29.95 EUR, cam piperat pentru buzunarul celor care nu au gasit o versiune sparta pe internet dar eu spun ca merita toti banii. L-am incercat pe Nokia N97, am ales rezolutia ecranului de pe telefon si chiar m-am putut intelege prin 3G cu calculatorul de acasa. Acum 10 ani visa cineva ca va putea intra remote pe calculatorul de acasa prin telefonul mobil? Ba mai mult de atat, isi imagina cineva curba de evolutie a tehnologiei?
Apropos! Tot astia au mai facut cateva softuri pentru Symbian:
– SymNC – Network Commander is the most powerful networking tool for your Symbian S60 based devices. It contains all Telexy products integrated with Telexy Network Browser (adica toate produsele lor)
– SymVPN – a S60 (3rd and 5th edition) PPTP VPN client application
– SymNAS – using mobile phone as a wireless file server or NAS-drive (Network-Attached Storage) – useless
– SymSync – Mobile Phone File Synchronization
– SymPlayer – a simple audio player allowing your Symbian S60 based device to playback MP3 files directly from network locations